Prince Caspian
... 2007.10.26. 17:07
A mozikban 2008. Május 16-tól!
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Caspian will be followed by Treader, in which Edmund and Lucy help King Caspian locate the seven banished Lords of Narnia. Walden plans to use Caspian, Treader, and The Silver Chair as an interlocking trilogy that will be shot in that order. [On the three remaining Chronicles] Chronologically speaking, Nephew comes before Wardrobe, and Horse comes after, while the apocalyptic Aslan — vs. — anti-Christian Aslan Battle caps the series. The most likely to be made first is Nephew, which explains how the Professor came to own that wardrobe.
Tehát a következő a Hajnal Vándor Útja lesz, utánna az Ezüst Trón, majd A Varázsló Unokaöccse. Természetesen a Végső Ütközet lesz az utolsó rész.
Ben Barnes: Prince Caspian
Sergio Castellito: Miraz
Pierfrancesco Favino: Glozelle
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